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Kristoffer Fürst10 min read

Best Investment Management Software

As former investment managers, we struggled to find transparent and unbiased information ...
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Kristoffer Fürst5 min read

How much does Portfolio Management Software cost?

Why it’s Important to Understand the Cost of Portfolio Management Software Early On ...
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Dr Ian Hunt10 min read

5 Business Problems Solved by an IBOR System

Key Problems solved by Investment Books of Record An Investment Book of Record, defined ...
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Dr Ian Hunt10 min read

Investment Book of Record (IBOR) Definition

An Investment Book of Record (IBOR) offers an array of benefits to asset managers, but ...
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Kristoffer Fürst7 min read

Why Asset Management Automation can be a Challenge

At Limina, automation is something that is ingrained in our culture. It’s part of who we ...
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Kristoffer Fürst9 min read

Why Limina might not be the right fit for your business

Every Investment Manager has different needs, so it’s vital to find asset management ...
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Philippe Ramkvist-Henry5 min read

How to achieve Efficient and Effective Investment Management Workflows

Limina was started by investment managers as a reaction to problems with existing ...
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Joakim Saltin7 min read

4 Factors Helping Asset Managers Future-Proof Their Investment Management Platform and Systems

Future-proofing is a buzzword that gets thrown around a lot in the asset management ...
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Kristoffer Fürst8 min read

4 Risks of Operating with Legacy Investment Data Management Solutions

While change is daunting for any organisation, legacy investment and data management ...
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Kristoffer Fürst10 min read

8 Total Cost of Ownership Drivers for an Investment Management System

We are often asked how the cost of Limina’s investment management system compares to ...
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Joakim Saltin10 min read

Why Integrated Investment Management Solutions are the Future

In the fast-changing investment management space, asset managers are increasingly ...
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Kristoffer Fürst4 min read

Tracing Limina’s Origins, from London via Kenya to Italy

In 2014, Kristoffer Fürst found himself in rural Kenya with a laptop, an idea, and a lot ...
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