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IBOR Standards Working Group Paper

The Original IBOR Standards Working Group Paper, released in 2014, defines the modern Investment Book of Record (IBOR) requirements and definitions. The paper introduces the concept of "live extract" IBORs, also called generation-3 IBORs.

A Generation-3 IBOR dynamically generates positions upon request without reliance on stored snapshots, which create flexibility to include/exclude any transactions or cash movements of any state into the positions. The paper outlines the needs of users, focusing on enhancing data confidence across internal functions like the Front Office, to bolster investment decision-making and mitigate operational risk.


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How an Investment Book of Record Enables a Better Portfolio View

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IBOR, ABOR, PBOR and CBOR Differences
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IBOR, ABOR, PBOR and CBOR; Differences between these Books of Record

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The Best Investment Books of Record (IBORs)

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