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Dr Ian Hunt

Dr Ian Hunt is a prominent figure in the buy-side industry, possessing extensive expertise across asset management processes and technology. Ian is considered an authority on Investment Book of Record and Distributed Ledger technologies within the industry.

Blog Post by Dr Ian Hunt

Dr Ian Hunt3 min read

The Best Investment Books of Record (IBORs)

This article lists the two best Investment Books of Record available today: Finbourne and ...
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Dr Ian Hunt8 min read

Ultimate guide to IBOR vs ABOR and other Books of Record (BORs)

This article aims to uncover why there are so many different Books of Record (BOR) in ...
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Dr Ian Hunt6 min read

Best-of-Breed vs All-in-one Investment Management Systems

As an investment manager, you're probably familiar with the debate between best-of-breed ...
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Dr Ian Hunt6 min read

Batch-Based Data Processing vs. Real-Time Event-Driven Data Processing

This article is co-authored by Kristoffer Fürst, CEO of Limina, and Doctor Ian Hunt, ...
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Dr Ian Hunt6 min read

How to Achieve a Better Portfolio View

The purpose of this article is to cover how you can produce accurate portfolio views ...
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Dr Ian Hunt9 min read

Trade Lifecycle Management In the Front, Middle and Back Offices

The purpose of this article is to cover how all lifecycle stages of all transaction types ...
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Dr Ian Hunt11 min read

Limina's IBOR vs Global Investment Book of Record Standard

This article is co-authored by Kristoffer Fürst, CEO of Limina and Doctor Ian Hunt, ...
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Dr Ian Hunt10 min read

5 Business Problems Solved by an IBOR System

Key Problems solved by Investment Books of Record An Investment Book of Record, defined ...
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Dr Ian Hunt12 min read

Front-to-Back-Office Platform vs IBOR Platform

Front-to-Back System vs IBOR Platform: Which one should you adopt? While both systems ...
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Dr Ian Hunt10 min read

Investment Book of Record (IBOR) Definition

An Investment Book of Record (IBOR) offers an array of benefits to asset managers, but ...
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Dr Ian Hunt1 min read

Digital Issuance [what is it & what would it enable]

A discussion with Dr. Ian Hunt, independent consultant and industry thought leader Dr. ...
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