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Trade Order Management Software (OMS)

Buy-side institutions rely on Limina ’s trade order management solution for multi-asset and multi-portfolio trading, empowering traders with efficient workflows and complete control.

Limina’s OMS System is an agile solution combining ease of use with the sophistication level needed by institutional asset managers.

The best order management system for trading

Limina’s IMS is designed from the ground up as a cross-asset platform and does not suffer from old-school silos of asset classes. It provides coherent cross-asset workflows designed to provide an excellent user experience regardless of investment strategy.

For example, all workflows and screens are cross-asset but change dynamically to show the relevant information for each asset where applicable. This specifically reduces data clutter, ensuring your team’s foundation is validated information.

Rebalancer - small

Trade quickly with complete control

We believe there are two main ways to boost efficiency in the Front Office:

Trusting the numbers and the software

Trusting the system starts with knowing that all investment data is correct as it flows to and from other systems. Our research shows that only 1 out of every 4 managers trust their portfolio data currently - independent of if other systems or Excel is being used.

Critical features to overcome investment data trust include:

  • Front-Office needs the same live source of truth as the investment operations team (which also lowers your operational risk)
  • Automatic data entry validation, warning for unusual input - where the definition of “unusual” is configurable
  • Configurable broker restriction rules
  • Complete audit trail from order raising to timestamps on each fill and allocations
  • Four-eye approvals are available to turn on before routing orders

The Investment Compliance Software is continuously checking rules in the background, highlighting any breaches or when approaching a limit.

Fast and intuitive user interface

A modern user experience includes well-designed workflows for investment teams. An example is a minimal number of clicks to achieve a given action in the system. Limina's responsive user interface updates in real-time, with no batches or loading time.

Configurable order parameter autofill saves time when raising orders. If you want to dig into order raising further, you can read more about Limina’s Portfolio tracking and modelling software.

Wide range of order types supported

The Limina buy-side OMS for trading supports many order types, including the most standard, such as single-day orders. More complex order types include:

  • Multi-asset order types
  • Block orders (multiple portfolios)
  • Order programs (multiple securities)
  • Multi-day trading (GTC orders), with daily allocations for the executed part of orders
  • Primary market workflows, where bond parameters might not be known or not available from the market data vendor yet (you have full control of your security master - see Limina’s EDM capabilities for more details)
  • Cash vs quantity-based orders, e.g. for fund trading
  • Derivative strategy orders
  • Combinations of the above
Order entry

Allocations and connectivity to matching & TCA

The Trade Order Management System has pre-built algorithms for allocations and supports manual allocations. It integrates natively with industry-leading matching solutions and Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) providers for post-trade execution reports.

Order allocations

Managed OMS trading integrations

Limina Order Management System for trading includes numerous managed integrations, enabling fully integrated workflows. Connectivity covers trade orders across different asset classes, and we fully manage integrations for you, ensuring they are always live. 



Limina's extensive out-of-the-box connectivity capabilities ensure you can be up and running quickly and enjoy the benefits of integrated electronic trading workflows:

Connected to Execution Management Systems (EMS) The OMS Trading Platform is integrated and certified with various front office trading systems (so called Execution Management Systems, or EMS for short), such as Bloomberg (EMSX, TSOX and FXGO), Virtu and more, for equities, fixed income and OTC. 
Outsourced trading If you have an outsourced trade execution partner, we also integrate with those. Pre-built connections exist to many such providers, including Northern Trust ITS and CF Global.
Direct broker connectivity Limina offers direct broker connectivity to most established brokers globally, enabled out of the box via NYFIX fix network, serving as a lightweight OEMS for trading. For fund trading, we have established integrations to select counterparties to trade funds electronically. We also offer OTC derivatives workflows via file-based integrations in cases where it’s the only option provided by the counterparty. 
Order import/export If you calculate orders in a different Portfolio Management System than Limina’s, you can easily import readily calculated orders via file. Equally straightforward is exporting orders from Limina if electronic trading isn’t possible, such as for some derivatives depending on the counterparty. You can activate 4-eye approval even for export of orders, and the system remembers which orders you have already exported and which you haven’t.


Don't hesitate to get in touch - we're happy to advise on any questions you may have about the product and how it can fit into your landscape and support your target operating model.


Limina IMS - Functional coverage